About ten years ago,we went to a restaurant in Franklin that we had gone to years before and it was still there. It is sort of a mom and pop type place and what I remember is that it had a walk up take out window as well. They had the best pies I had ever eaten and I want to tell myfriends about it since they are up there now . I cannot remember the name but it was on the main street or just off it. And it has been around a long time. Can anyone tell me the name?
Any locals of Franklin out there?
This may be way too late, but I%26#39;m sure the restaurant was the ';Sunset';. The are just on the north side of town on Hwy. 28. They do have a walk-up take out window and you can even stay in your car like the old A %26amp; W and order from and eat in your car. The have pies with a mile high toppings. Does this sound right???
Any locals of Franklin out there?
wow!!!! sounds good enough to make me get in the car and go there now. my favorite spot in franklin is fatt buddies bbq
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